Many modern thickness gauges have the ability to work in two modes:

– single measurement mode;
– continuous measurement mode.

With this function, it is very convenient to determine the places of transitions on repainted parts to find out how much the car was damaged in an accident.

Automotive paint thickness gauges are non-destructive testing devices. The thickness gauge sensor will not damage the paintwork in any way.

Coating thickness gauges are a must if you are planning to buy a used car. Thanks to the use of a paint thickness gauge, you can determine the condition of the body (whether the car is painted or not). LCP thickness gauge is indispensable in car insurance, for service STATIONS.

If the coating is non-conductive, such as paint, rubber, plastic applied to metal, then use: eddy current thickness gauge on a substrate of non-ferrous metals, while the thickness of the coating affects the amount of eddy currents, or magnetic thickness gauge on a substrate of ferrous metals.

There are two types of magnetic thickness gauges.

There are two types of magnetic coating thickness gauges. These are magnetic and induction. Magnetic breakouts allow measurements to be made by changing the force of separation of the permanent magnet from the substrate. Induction thickness gauges-measure the magnetic resistance of the circuit: sensor-coating-substrate.

Magnetic thickness gauges measure the thickness of a non-magnetic coating on a magnetic substrate. In this case, the Hall effect is used: the object being monitored is placed in a magnetic field, and the change in magnetic permeability is measured.

There are some models that do not have a built-in sensor, but a remote one. This is very convenient if you need to measure the thickness of the paint in a hard-to-reach place.

Vehicles of the same make and model, but which were produced at different factories and in different years, will have different LCP thickness. But for a specific machine, the thickness of the paint coating will be constant, since the paint is produced by the machine.

The paint thickness gauge consists of two main parts: the main unit, which contains buttons for setting it and the display, and the touch sensor.

If you do not want to become a victim of an “unscrupulous” seller who tries to give out a car that has been in an accident, for carefully operated, Then you will use such a device as the LCP thickness gauge. Using the paint thickness gauge, even if you are not an expert, it is easy to determine the “painted” car. In places of the body where the paint was carried out not at the factory, but in the auto shop, the thickness of the coating will be different from the factory.

The thickness gauge is a high-precision electronic device that measures the distance from the device’s sensor to the metal base (thus measuring the thickness of the non-metallic coating).

Some models of thickness gauges have convenient ” chips”:

– the ability to measure not in a single mode, but in continuous mode, i.e. just drive the sensor on the car body and see how the readings change, you can track the places of painting;
– set the range (corridor) of readings, when you go beyond it, you will hear a sound signal.

A device for measuring the thickness of the paint coating, or thickness gauge. There are three large groups: 1.magnetic thickness gauges (index “F”), designed to work on magnified bases; 2.eddy current thickness gauges (index “N”) work on non-magnetic metals; 3.combined thickness gauges (index “FN”) are designed for measurements on magnetic and non-magnetic bases.

In winter, when repairing glasses, you need to follow the technology more carefully and follow the following recommendations:

• the glass heating system must be switched on;

• from the inside, the crack (chip) must also be warmed up (for example, with a lighter) – then the distribution of the polymer will be more uniform;

* the polymer must be preheated before starting work;

• the heating of the glass must be turned off when the polymerization of the composition begins;

• the temperature of the polymer and the glass should be approximately the same

Perfectly amenable to repair glass Windows. It is much cheaper to repair a chip or crack than to completely change the display glass.

Of course, because the polymerization of the fixing compound occurs under the influence of UV rays. Therefore, after filling the chip or crack with polymer, it is necessary to cover the repair site with a sunscreen, a blanket, to avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Fixing dents from the inside of the car is done with hooks (levers). In this case, through various technological holes, hooks affect the dents. The length and configuration of hooks is very different, in sets of up to 80 pieces.

Removal of dents can occur from the outside and inside of the car, the master decides how the repair will be made.

If repairs can’t be made from inside the vehicle, then an adhesive system is used. In this case, glue adapters (“fungi”, “pistons”) are glued to the deformed part of the body with a special adhesive composition, and then the metal is “pulled out”with the help of a mini-lifter or a reverse hammer.

Undeniable advantages of dent removal technology without painting the car:

1. The repair itself takes much less time compared to the traditional one.

2. Cheaper.

3. The car does not pass into the category of “repainted”, i.e. its price does not become lower.

Without painting the car, you can straighten the dent from a few millimeters to a few centimeters.

In the modern car structure, the structure of the paint coating has changed, it is based on a polymer compound that provides a more flexible structure of the paint coating. Therefore, even with a strong enough impact on the car body, the coating is not broken. Therefore, there is no damage to the paintwork.

Removing dents without painting the car is only possible if the paintwork of the car has not been broken.

To replace the windshield, you must first remove the old glass, for this purpose, first of all, cut out the old adhesive layer with a special knife, remove the windshield with the help of suction cups, and clean it. To fix the new windshield, you will need a primer and sealant.

Since most cars have a windshield pasted on, it is a load-bearing part. Its integrity is very important. A small chip may eventually develop into a crack, and under the influence of external factors, it may increase in size.

To prevent the crack from growing, remove the “tension” from the glass along the edges of the crack by drilling it with a drill. Then a chip is created artificially, and the crack is filled with polymer. The last stage is cleaning and polishing the repair site.

Using a bridge, the injector is positioned exactly above a crack or chip, and then filled with polymer under pressure.

Since the refractive index of the polymer is close to that of the glass, the place of repair will not be visible. With the exception of those cases when it was not possible to completely remove dust or dirt.

When repairing a chip, the crack is filled with a polymer, then a special plate of polymer material is applied to it. This plate aligns the surface of the defect, does not allow the wave to go, and it is removed after the polymer dries.

Solidification of the polymer in a chip or crack occurs under the influence of ultraviolet light. The UV lamp accelerates this process.

Bridge with injector, UV lamp, pump (for vacuum systems), scrubber, crack expander, brush for cleaning the repair site, boron machine

This depends on the size and type of crack or chip. But on average from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

After pre-cleaning, the cavity of a crack or chip is filled with a special polymer that glues the edges of the defect when it hardens.

1. If dirt gets into a chip or crack, then it can not always be completely cleaned, which means that the place of repair will be visible;

2. The crack may grow under the influence of temperature changes and vibration on the road.

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